How Korean Drama Influence Our Attitude, Perception and Belief in Local Culture

Introduction The Korean entertainment industry is booming nowadays. The global audience for Korean drama, film, and music are expanding across Asia and is even spreading to Europe and North America (Bacon, 2016). It has increasingly become more popular due to the addiction of people toward Korean drama. It has a lot of different genres such as love romance, adventure, mystery, horror, and others. Therefore, people have a variety of selection to choose the type that they love. In this modern era, people can get to know about the latest Korean drama through the advancement of technology. During the past generation where people did not have advanced technology, the news about Korean drama is not widely spread. Compared to nowadays, people get to know the latest Korean drama on billboard advertisements, television, magazine, drama website and social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Weibo. Most of the times, we can see that people are sharing images and t...